Effective Jan. 1, 2022, claims for most laboratory test services must contain your laboratory’s unique test code for each service. Additionally, each test code submitted on a claim must match a corresponding laboratory test registration provided in advance to us, or we will deny the claim. To ensure compliance with these requirements, free-standing and outpatient hospital lab providers should register their laboratory tests prior to December 1, 2021.

These requirements apply to most UnitedHealthcare Commercial, Medicare Advantage, and UnitedHealthcare Community Plan networks.

Registering your laboratory services and placing test codes on your laboratory claim doesn’t necessarily guarantee that UnitedHealthcare will pay the claim. Payment for covered services is based on the member’s eligibility on the date of the service, any claim processing requirements, and the terms of your Participation Agreement.

For more information, please contact Marketing, 402-489-1207.


TELCOR is an industry leader in the laboratory revenue cycle management and point of care testing markets, providing unparalleled health care software products and services, and exceptional customer support. Our proven implementations are performed by clinically experienced, IT knowledgeable resources who understand each customer’s unique environment.