On May 1, the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury announced the release of a new process for resubmitting improperly batched or bundled Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) disputes, in accordance with the IDR provision of the No Surprises Act.

The new process is intended to “streamline Federal IDR operations and enhance the user experience.” Users will receive an email from certified IDR entities through the Federal IDR portal, notifying them that a dispute is eligible for resubmission. The initiating parties will be directed to the “Notice of IDR Initiation – Resubmission” web form through a unique link in the email to complete the resubmission process. The initiating party will then have four business days to complete the resubmission process.

All resubmitted disputes will be subject to standard administrative and entity fees for initiating a new dispute. A Resubmission User Guide is available for users to view for more information.



