The Medicate Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) gave a presentation confirming that independent laboratories were overrepresented in PAMA’s private-payer data relative to CLFS billing volume (slide 9). Additionally, they confirmed that between 2017 and 2019, chemistry test spending declined by 14% while molecular pathology test spending increased by 251% (slide 12). MedPAC believes setting payment rates by using a survey could substantially reduce the burden of reporting. A survey could reduce the number of laboratories that would be required to report private payer data by up to 70% (slide 15). For more information on MedPAC’s recommended next steps, view this presentation or visit their website,
For more information, please contact Marketing, 402-489-1207.
TELCOR is an industry leader in the laboratory revenue cycle management and point of care testing markets, providing unparalleled health care software products and services, and exceptional customer support. Our proven implementations are performed by clinically experienced, IT knowledgeable resources who understand each customer’s unique environment.