One of the biggest lab challenges is managing incomplete and inaccurate billing information. Even if you try to simplify the requisition or lockdown electronic order entry, fixing gaps and errors are still part of your everyday process. Manual work processes usually decrease efficiency, increase the risk of human error and increase staffing costs. Calling providers for information can be disruptive for your staff and ultimately delays time to payment.
There is a Better Way
Automation improves the laboratory’s opportunity to bill correctly the first time, translating to quicker payment and reduced time in AR. It’s a winning scenario to control costs and improve the bottom line.
For clients, you can provide automated, tailored delivery to their facility via email or fax. You are assured customers then have all the information needed to respond to you in kind. Clients also have the option to provide information via the TELCOR web portal, iLabBill Client. Once responses are returned, working them in the order they were delivered provides the efficiency needed to quickly get the bill out the door.
For patients, you can trigger a letter requesting missing billing information such as insurance or address. Patients can respond by updating information online using iLabBill Account.
Simplified Management
TELCOR RCM users are accustomed to straightforward navigation and powerful functionality. With the automation of these processes, supervision is improved through the use of workqueues of which you control the organization and assignments. Contact Customer Service to ensure you have your workflow optimized. If interested in iLabBill Client or Account, contact an Account Executive for more information.